Niagara Gorge
What to bring
A Backpack- something comfortable that you will be able to carry throughout your hike
Plenty of Water
Snacks- Granola, bars, sandwiches, trail mix, etc.
First Aid Kit- bandaids, alcohol wipes, gauze, etc.
Fully Charged Cellphone- Invest in a back up battery or charger, it will be well worth it
Compass, Map/guidebook
Camera- You can't miss out on all of the photographic opportunities while your hiking!
Proper footwear- Hiking boots, sneakers, something comfortable
Proper attire- Make sure you are prepared for the weather and your surroundings
Sunscreen and insect repellant
What to do before
Check the weather- Make sure you are prepared for a beautiful, rainy or even a cold day
Eat a good breakfast- Hiking requires a lot of energy, make sure you and your body are ready
Decide how long you want to hike as well as the difficulty
Research the area you will be hiking- make yourself familiar with the surroundings